Overnight Oats with Apricots & Crushed Pistachios

Prepare these the night before for an effortless and delicious breakfast!

Serves 2|Takes 120 minutes


1 cup of Flahavan’s rolled oats
3 tbsp desiccated coconut
4/5 cup of coconut milk
1 cup of water
1 tbsp. white chia seeds
2 1/8 cups of fresh apricots, halved and stone removed
2 tbsp. golden caster sugar
1/4 cup of pistachios


To make the overnight oats mix, place the Flahavan’s oats into a bowl along with the desiccated coconut, coconut milk, 200ml water and chia seeds and stir to combine. Leave in the fridge for 4-6 hours or overnight if you can.
Meanwhile, place the apricots, remaining water and golden caster sugar in a medium saucepan. Cook gently over a low-medium heat for 10-15 minutes, or until soft and broken down. Remove from the heat and leave aside to cool.
Crush the pistachios into a fine crumb using a pestle and mortar.
To assemble, spoon the mix into two glasses adding in a layer of the apricots and sprinkle over the pistachio crumb to serve.

Recipe Categories:

Breakfast   Overnight Oats   Brunch   Vegan   Vegetarian   Dairy Free  
Flahavan's Oats Illustration